Karabro's IPv4 / IPv6 Information Page

Find out your IP address and browser information, including both your IPv4 and IPv6 address, your user agent, your location, and more!

In the networking world, we're AS51519 Karabro

Peering with Karabro /// Our main website

Programmatic usage of our IP Information service

Quickstart - A mix of the most useful/popular queries

##### Get just your IPv4/v6 address
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/flat
# 2a0e:73c2::333

##### Force cURL to use IPv4
curl -4 -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/flat

##### Or simply request our v4/v6-only subdomain
curl -fsSL https://v4.myip.karabro.se/flat
curl -fsSL https://v6.myip.karabro.se/flat
# 2a0e:73c2::333

##### Get the GeoIP country for your IP 
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/flat/country
# Sweden

##### Get your full location (city, postcode, country)
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/flat/location
# Malmö, 211 54, Sweden

##### Get your ISP's name and AS Number (ASN)
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/flat/asninfo
# Karabro AB
# AS51519

##### Get all information about your IP in plain text greppable format
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/index.txt
curl -H 'Accept: text/plain' -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/  # ALTERNATIVE
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/?format=text  # ALTERNATIVE
#IP: 2a0e:73c2:123::456
#Version: ipv6
#UserAgent: curl/7.54.0
#Country: Sweden
#CountryCode: SE
#City: Malmö
#Postcode: 211 54
#Lat: 55.598126
#Long: 13.007398
#ASNum: 51519
#ASName: Karabro AB
#Network: 2a0e:73c2::/32

##### Get all information about your IP as JSON
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/index.json
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/  # ALTERNATIVE
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/?format=json  # ALTERNATIVE
#  {
#    "error": false,
#    "geo": {
#      "as_name": "Karabro AB",
#      "as_number": 51519,
#      "city": "Malmö",
#      "country": "Sweden",
#      "country_code": "SE",
#      "error": false,
#      "ip_address": "2a0e:73c2:123::456",
#      "lat": 55.598126,
#      "long": 13.007398,
#      "network": "2a0e:73c2::/32",
#      "postcode": "211 54"
#    },
#    "hostname": "",
#    "ip": "2a0e:73c2:123::456",
#    "ip_type": "ipv6",
#    "ip_valid": true,
#    "messages": [],
#    "ua": "curl/7.54.0"
#  }

##### Get all information about your IP as YAML
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/index.yml
curl -H 'Accept: application/yaml' -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/  # ALTERNATIVE
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/?format=yml  # ALTERNATIVE
#  error: false
#  geo:
#    as_name: Karabro AB
#    as_number: 51519
#    city: Malmö
#    country: Sweden
#    country_code: SE
#    error: false
#    ip_address: 2a0e:73c2:123::456
#    lat: 55.598126
#    long: 13.007398
#    network: 2a0e:73c2::/32
#    postcode: 211 54
#  hostname: ''
#  ip: 2a0e:73c2:123::456
#  ip_type: ipv6
#  ip_valid: true
#  messages: []
#  ua: curl/7.54.0

##### (JSON) Get information about any v4/v6 IP
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/
#  {
#    "error": false,
#    "geo": {
#      "as_name": "Karabro AB",
#      "as_number": 51519,
#      "city": "Malmö",
#      "country": "Sweden",
#      "country_code": "SE",
#      "error": false,
#      "ip_address": "",
#      "lat": 52.352,
#      "long": 4.9392,
#      "network": "",
#      "postcode": "211 54"
#    },
#    "hostname": "crt01.vkb.karabro.net",
#    "ip": "",
#    "ip_type": "ipv4",
#    "ip_valid": true,
#    "messages": [],
#    "ua": "curl/7.54.0"
#  }

##### (Plain Text) Get information about any v4/v6 IP
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup.txt/
curl -H 'Accept: text/plain' -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/  # ALTERNATIVE
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/  # ALTERNATIVE

##### (YAML) Get information about any v4/v6 IP
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup.yml/
curl -H 'Accept: application/yaml' -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/  # ALTERNATIVE
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/  # ALTERNATIVE

##### (Single Data) Get individual pieces of info about any v4/v6 IP
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/2a0e:73c2::333/city
# Malmö
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/2a0e:73c2::333/hostname
# se.dns.karabro.io
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/2a0e:73c2::333/coords
# 55.598126, 13.00739800
curl -fsSL https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/2a0e:73c2::333/asninfo
# Karabro AB
# AS51519

Supported output formats

Some of our pages / endpoints support outputting their data in multiple formats.

You can select a format either by using ?format=TYPE - which is high priority, or you can use the Accept: header.

You can also specify format as both an encoded POST form, or as JSON in the POST body.

Example Usage for format param and Accept header

curl https://myip.karabro.se/?format=json
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' https://myip.karabro.se/

curl https://myip.karabro.se/?format=yaml 
curl -H 'Accept: application/yaml' https://myip.karabro.se/

curl https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/ 
curl -H 'Accept: application/yaml' https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/

# Using the HTTPie tool to send a JSON body POST request 
http -p hbHB POST https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/ format=plain addr=


At the time of writing, currently only the index page ( / ), as well as this page ( /api/ ) support outputting their data in HTML format - though /api/ (this page) is purely a documentation page, and does not have any special functionality anyway.

HTML is used by default for the index page, however if needed, you can manually specify that you want HTML output by either passing format=html as a GET/POST (i.e. /?format=html) argument, or by ensuring that text/html is the highest priority in your Accept: header.

Matching types for format= and Accept: are:


The JSON format is available as a format option on the following endpoints:

Matching types for format= and Accept: are:


The YAML format is available as a format option on the following endpoints:

Matching types for format= and Accept: are:

Plain Text

The Plain Text format is available as a format option on the following endpoints:

Matching types for format= and Accept: are:

Index Endpoint

The index endpoint at / - by default renders an HTML web page, designed to be read by humans. The HTML page displays the current IP you're connecting from - directly within the HTML body, while the IPv4/IPv6 sections are populated using JavaScript via AJAX queries to the JSON format of this endpoint on our v4 and v6-only domains.



Supported Output Formats

Example Queries

JSON Output for Index Endpoint

On URLs which support JSON output, you can either pass the GET parameter ?format=json - or you can set the Accept header so that application/json is the most preferred content requested from the server.

You can query the main site to get information about your system's most preferred IP version, or if the client you're querying with (e.g. curl with -4 or -6) allows specifying the IP version, then you can select an IP version using your client.

curl https://myip.karabro.se/?format=json

# Alternative - send the header 'Accept: application/json'
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' https://myip.karabro.se/

# Make the request using IPv4
curl -4 https://myip.karabro.se/?format=json
# Make the request using IPv6
curl -6 https://myip.karabro.se/?format=json

Example Output:

    "error": false,
    "geo": {
        "as_name": "Karabro AB",
        "as_number": 51519,
        "city": "Malmö",
        "country": "Sweden",
        "country_code": "SE",
        "error": false,
        "ip_address": "2a0e:73c2:123::456",
        "lat": 55.598126,
        "long": 13.007398,
        "network": "2a0e:73c2::/32",
        "postcode": "211 54"
    "hostname": "",
    "ip": "2a0e:73c2:123::456",
    "ip_type": "ipv6",
    "ip_valid": true,
    "messages": [],
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0"

Alternatively, you can query our IPv4-only / IPv6-only domain to force your client to use a specific IP version to obtain the results:

curl https://v4.myip.karabro.se/?format=json

curl https://v6.myip.karabro.se/?format=json

Plain Output for Index Endpoint

You can request plain text output from our index page using ?format=plain - or you can set your Accept to prioritise text/plain.

curl https://myip.karabro.se/?format=plain

# Alternative - send the header 'Accept: text/plain'
curl -H 'Accept: text/plain' https://myip.karabro.se/

` Result:

IP: 2a0e:73c2:123::456
Version: ipv6
UserAgent: HTTPie/2.0.0
Country: Sweden
CountryCode: SE
City: Malmö
Postcode: 211 54
Lat: 55.598126
Long: 13.007398
ASNum: 51519
ASName: Karabro AB
Network: 2a0e:73c2::/32

Lookup Endpoint

The lookup endpoint allows you to query General + GeoIP information about any arbitrary IPv4/IPv6 address.



Supported Output Formats

Example Queries

Standard GET request


user@karabro-example ~ $ http -p hbHB GET https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/


GET /lookup/ HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 471
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": false,
    "geo": {
        "as_name": "Karabro AB",
        "as_number": 51519,
        "city": "Malmö",
        "country": "Sweden",
        "country_code": "SE",
        "error": false,
        "ip_address": "2a0e:73c2:123::456",
        "lat": 55.598126,
        "long": 13.007398,
        "network": "2a0e:73c2::/32",
        "postcode": "211 54"
    "hostname": "",
    "ip": "2a0e:73c2:123::456",
    "ip_type": "ipv6",
    "ip_valid": false,
    "messages": [],
    "ua": "HTTPie/2.0.0"

GET Request with IP in URI + yml format


user@karabro-example ~ $ http -p hbHB GET https://myip.karabro.se/lookup/
GET /lookup/ HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 352
Content-Type: application/yaml

error: false
  as_name: Karabro AB
  as_number: 51519
  city: Malmö
  country: Sweden
  country_code: SE
  error: false
  lat: 55.598126
  long: 13.007398
  postcode: 211 54
ip_type: ipv4
ip_valid: false
messages: []
ua: HTTPie/2.0.0

POST Request with IP in JSON body + plain format


user@karabro-example ~ $  http -p hbHB POST https://myip.karabro.se/lookup.txt/ ip=
POST /lookup.txt/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*
Content-Type: application/json

    "ip": ""

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 247
Content-Type: text/plain

Version: ipv4
Hostname: 45-132-234-56.cust.karabro.net
UserAgent: HTTPie/2.0.0
Country: Sweden
CountryCode: SE
City: Malmö
Postcode: 211 54
Lat: 55.598126
Long: 13.007398
ASNum: 51519
ASName: Karabro AB

Flat Type Summaries

These Flat Types can be used both with /flat/<type> as well as /lookup/<ip>

Flat Endpoint

We also have the "flat" endpoint:


This is designed for use in shellscripts (bash/zsh/etc.), and other kinds of situations where you might not be able to parse JSON/YML/etc.

Get just your IP address

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat

user@host ~ $ curl -4 https://myip.karabro.se/flat

Get just your User Agent

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat/ua

Get just the Country (GeoIP) of your IP address

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat/country

Get just the City (GeoIP) of your IP address

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat/city

Get your full GeoIP location, formatted like an address

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat/location
Malmö, 211 54, Sweden

Get your GeoIP location co-ordinates, returned as latitude, longitude

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat/pos
55.598126, 13.00739800

Get your ISP/ASN name and their AS number, separated by a newline

user@host ~ $ curl https://myip.karabro.se/flat/asninfo
Karabro AB